
Healthcare facilities present unique and stringent temperature, humidity, air change/ventilation and filtration demands, typically requiring custom solutions. Wiegmann understands those issues, and the direct connection between air quality and patient outcome and satisfaction. We also are experienced at working in occupied facilities, implementing strict infection control measures to ensure a safe and clean environment.

The Wiegmann team has completed HVAC projects at senior living centers, clinics, medical buildings, imaging labs and more than 70 surgical centers across the country.

Some of the Healthcare Projects We've Completed:

  • Designed HVAC systems for nearly 70 SurgCenter outpatient surgery centers, each with with unique challenges and requirements. Since many of the buildings were not originally intended as a medical facility, we engineered systems that fit small plenum spaces.
  • Replaced outdated chillers with energy efficient systems that meet stringent temperature control, humidity and equipment placement requirements for a group of specialized MetroImaging MRI facilities across St. Louis. Wiegmann is also the long-time HVAC service provider for the family of facilities.
  • Installed HVAC for a new 65,000 sf medical clinic with 36 exam rooms, a reception area, dental clinic, pharmacy, training facility and offices from our Colorado office. A Direct Digital Control building automation system allows settings of each area to be adjusted from a single location.